Join the journey for learning Front End Development, API Integration through Backend Development
while connecting it to Sql and Nosql Databases.
Learn actual Real Life Skills to organically grow, advertise and get leads. The process will turn you into
a hard core digital marketeer.
Join the journey for learning practical approach for designing of UI and UX. Learn what the market exactly needs. Learn like an employee and earn your spot easily in the competitive job market.
Vishal Verma
Front End Developer
TSS Consultancy Services | 9.5 lpa
At first, it seemed impossible, but when you trust the process eventually it all made sense.
And I am glad that I choose to trust the process of The Contrast
Pramod Patil
Software Development Engineer
Valuefy | 11 lpa
It was a very good learning Experience when seniors guide to practically Apply your knowledge.
Gaurav Mokashi
Full Stack Developer
Perennial Services | 16 lpa
I am glad that sir taught me one thing, How to learn. Just follow the fundamentals and you will see the results.
Sameer Shinde
Software Development Engineer
Perennial Services | 10 lpa
There are many skills that you learn in The Contrast, not just coding but skills that can make the difference in real world.
Ashish Gupta
Front End Developer
Bristom Services | 7.5 lpa
Contrast was not just a place but a home where I have made friends that are family, I mean literally.
Sumeet Patil
Software Development Engineer
French Technologies | 3.6 lpa
No matter what you do, Contrast (Akash sir) will ensure that you get successful as a developer.
Aditi Ganjale
Angular Developer
Practo | 2.4 lpa
Today I and my sister Vaishnavi both are empowered as Angular Developer through Akash sir and Contrast, we are independent today.
Kiran Nikam
Backend Developer
Tantra Soft Solutions | 3.6 lpa
From not knowing what is desktop icons to becoming a well-performing developer, I have literally come a long way.
Arpita Koli
Software Development Engineer
My Setu | 2 lpa
The Contrast is where I learned to live the life of a developer.
Sahil Bavaskar
Software Development Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services | 3.9 lpa
Akash sir goes the extra mile to ensure that we learn how to learn. Crazy experience.
Ajay Auchar
Software Development Engineer
Valuefy | 4.5 lpa
The degree is just a paper, it is true for me who had none but anything that can be achieved is what The Contrast and Akash sir proved it.
Sushil Deshmukh
Software Development Engineer
Valuefy | 8 lpa
How to solve problems without any help is really a very unique way of learning in The Contrast.
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